Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Business Leadership Brings Changes at Yahoo - Small Business ...

Business leadership is bringing changes to Yahoo! The company?s new CEO is introducing unique ideas and giving the employees a sense of purpose once again. Great leadership can transform your business too. Give it a try!

Business Leadership Brings Results

More money. CEO Marissa Mayer is already making her influence felt at Yahoo! For example, the company recently posted its first full-year revenue increase in four years. The increase is not much by company standards, only an extra $2.4 million. Still, it shows Mayer is on the right track. Business & Leadership

More direction. Mayer is also leading Yahoo! into important new business ventures. She says the company needs to forge ahead in mobile technology. Other companies have found creating a mobile business model challenging, yet Mayer believes this is the key to her Yahoo!?s future. Business Insider

More customers. Mayer?s focus on mobile has brought more users to Yahoo!, but those users may not be customers just yet. First, Yahoo! must figure out a business model that will work for its mobile features. However, now that the users are here, the revenue will almost certainly follow. CNET

Business Leadership Tips for You

Be inspirational. You don?t need to be a good manager in order to lead. Leadership simply requires inspiration. Entrepreneur Chris Ducker says he focuses on simply inspiring people and lets them do the rest. Ducker talks with Bernd Geropp about developing leadership skills. More Leadership, Less Management

Be practical. Chris Farmer has these suggestions to follow when looking for a good leadership and management training program. Seek a program that focuses on the practical and avoid those programs that are too theoretical when your goal is to be a more effective leader in your business. Corporate Coach Group

Set priorities. Leadership is all about setting priorities. Your priorities will establish your business?s success. Blogger Ian Smith shares the 10 top priorities business leaders around the world consider when running their businesses. The Smith Report

Be a natural. Some people don?t need training or experience to provide business leadership, although the rest of us may need a bit of help from time to time. Blogger Melissa Krivachek shares some tips that will improve leadership even for those without the natural skills. The Frugal Entrepreneur


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