Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Mitt Romney's Expanding Map: Desperation or Realization?

Why are GOP outside groups and the Romney campaign starting to spend money and time moving into blue territory such as Minnesota, Pennsylvania and Michigan?

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Here are some theories:

1. Ohio is a lost cause so Team Romney needs another path to 270: Despite the plethora of media polls showing Obama ahead in the Buckeye state, GOPers not affiliated with the Romney campaign say they have polling showing a dead heat or Romney slightly ahead. In that vein, we are left to wonder whether Romney's decision to run a blatantly false ad in Toledo - re: Jeep factory moving to China - is a hail Mary or a way to try and tip this very tight contest?

2. Better Bang for the Buck: Campaigns and the outside groups have lots of money to spend and not a lot of places to spend it.

Not only is it prohibitively expensive to try to buy last-minute ad time in places such as Ohio and Virginia, there simply might not be any ad time to buy. TV stations have to make ad time available to campaigns, but not to outside groups. Moreover, the TV stations aren't required to provide the most-highly desired times (like prime time or morning time) to candidates.

If an outside group wants to get the biggest bang for its buck, states such as Minnesota, Pennsylvania and Michigan is where they'll get it.

3. Trying to Make Something Out of Demographics: What do Pennsylvania, Minnesota and Michigan have in common?

Vote in 2008:

National = 74 percent white

Pa. = 81 percent white;

Minn. = 90 percent white

Mich. = 82 percent white

Latest ABC News-Washington Post tracker, Romney gets 57 percent of the white vote, including 60 percent of white men

4. Trying to Keep Momentum Storyline Going Even Though Momentum Is Gone:

As our tracking poll has shown, whatever momentum Romney had last week has stalled. So, what better way to keep the "momentum" storyline going than to show a campaign confident enough to expand the map.

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Population bulge tests India's growth aspirations

(AP) ? Vijay Kumar clutched a worn plastic folder containing his high school diploma and his nursing aide certificate as he joined a long queue at an employment exchange in a New Delhi suburb. It's a familiar ritual. For six years he has struck out.

Kumar is one of the millions of young Indians who make up a population bulge that experts say will see India hit 1.6 billion people in less than 20 years, overtaking China as the world's most populated country. Over the next three to four decades India will become remarkably young, with more than half its population under 25.

India's politicians like to boast that the swelling youth population is a powerful rising tide that will propel the country into a global economic power while other Asian nations such as Japan grapple with graying majorities. They can point to China where a population spurt contributed to rising prosperity as a vast army of young people migrated from the countryside to the manufacturing heartlands in its south and east. But in India it just might become a waste of human potential on a monumental scale, another missed opportunity in a country perennially failing to deliver on its promise.

The burgeoning youth population "will be a dividend if we empower our young," Kapil Sibal, minister for human resource development, said recently. "It will be a disaster if we fail."

Young job seekers such as Kumar flock to some 900 state-run job centers across the country, where they vie for a limited number of entry-level jobs offered by the government and private companies. The government says 6.6 percent of India's workers are jobless, a figure that belies that harsh reality of the labor market where many eke out a subsistence level existence in menial, unsafe and backbreaking jobs. The situation is worse for young job-seekers with government statistics placing the number of unemployed higher at 10.5 percent.

Kumar grew up in the poverty-ridden eastern state of Bihar. Like countless others he moved to the Indian capital in search of employment.

"In Bihar, there was no hope of getting a job. It was a choice of migrating to Delhi or starving. It wasn't a choice, really," he said, at once dispirited and hopeful that the latest visit to the employment exchange will yield results.

The employment agency in the New Delhi suburb of Shahdara operates from one corner of a large unswept hall in a government building. Broken furniture lies at one end. A tangle of electrical wires and cobwebs hang from the ceiling. The walls are covered in dust. A slow moving ceiling fan whirls the dust in slow eddies.

Job applicants sit on a row of metal benches, shifting sideways till it's their turn at the single desk where a clerk with a computer and printer registers them to apply for openings. The jobs on offer are at the very lowest rung as clerks or office boys ? but as applicants say, it's a job.

Each day a couple of hundred applicants pass through the office. Fresh-faced young graduates registering for the first time. Older applicants, renewing their applications, are dejected and bitter at the futility of the exercise.

Rajinder Singh, the clerk, shrugs helplessly. "We post all the jobs there are. The problem is, there are too few openings and too many applicants," he said.

India's economy, the 10th largest in the world, is fast growing even considering its recent slowdown. Businesses want workers, the young especially.

But unlike in the economically struggling U.S. and Europe, where many highly skilled applicants are fighting over few jobs, only a minority of working-age Indians are qualified for skilled occupations.

The poor quality of education in India is partly to blame. Millions of job seekers have impressive sounding diplomas but many don't have the skills promised by those certificates from substandard colleges and technical institutes.

And as India's growth rate lags its potential, it's an ever bigger task for private companies to absorb the fast rising number of young job seekers. Despite low wages, foreign companies aren't rushing in to plug the gaps, wary of unpredictable turns in government policy, frequent strikes and other negatives.

Driven by their exposure to television and films showing the good life, young jobseekers have rising aspirations. Their inability to reach them is leading to enormous frustration.

Kumar gets hired by the day as a laborer with a house painting crew, sending part of his meager earnings back to his parents, itinerant farm workers.

Every six months he heads back to the exchange to renew his registration.

"My hopes are high. Each day I get by on hope," he said.

Seconds later, fatalism took over. "Whether I succeed or not, that is in God's hands."

There is concern that if growing numbers of young people in India do not find employment, or if they find themselves in dead-end jobs, the risk of political violence escalates, said Ashish Bose, a leading population expert.

India's economic and regional inequalities along with age-old caste, religious and class tensions provide ample cause for disgruntled young people to find a grievance to rally around, with the danger of them resorting to extremism.

India, with the world's largest chunk of illiterates at over 250 million, has to invest massively in technical and academic education, said Bose.

"Anyone who has some skill is potentially employable," he said.

Employment analysts say only 15 percent of working age Indians have the skills needed to find a good job ? a deficit the government is trying to address through public-private partnerships focused on worker training. But with millions of young people entering the job market each year, the sheer numbers dwarf any government-sponsored program to impart skill training to first time job seekers.

Job hunter Dharmender Singh Rawat's lack of success has not tempered his hopes of a better life.

Rawat trained as a bus driver, but couldn't find a job. He tried to enlist in the armed forces, but failed. Clean shaven and neatly dressed, Rawat is clear that he wants to cast off his humble lower middle class roots and pursue his upwardly mobile dreams.

On occasion he drops by the employment exchange to renew his registration on the unemployment roster.

Without a job, Rawat spends much of the day watching television soaps and dreaming of a house in affluent south Delhi and a Scorpio SUV.

"When I dream, I am a different person," he said.

Associated Press


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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Online Dating and The Lost Art of Kindness - Part 1 of 2 - Comfort Life

I was reviewing some dating blogs recently and came across a blog written by an older woman. She had just signed up for a bunch of dating sites with the hopes of increasing her chances of meeting a man. What she experienced was a rather depressing rate of return and responses. Not only the quantity of responses, but the impolite personal interactions left something to be desired.

Seniors dating online

Photo courtesy of John Major

I hear this lament from older men and women who are in the process of looking for someone or who have just plain given up their search for a mate altogether. A lot of this negative attitude stems from the fact that people are just not considerate in how they treat others anymore. Nowadays it seems that rejecting a prospective love interest is a bit faster, colder and more insensitive than in the past.

Etiquette Takes a Holiday

Does it seem that we have lost our manners?? A lot of this may be the result of living during a time when information passes too quickly. We can only connect with others on a superficial level. Also, particularly in the online dating universe, relationships afford us not only safety but anonymity. ?We can do and say whatever we want without fear of reprisal in person.

Yet it?s really important that your online identity be an extension of who you are in real life. We need to remember that each social interaction we have is a new connection with a person with a history, a family, hopes, dreams, fears.

Although we can be overwhelmed with the unending stream of profile pictures and personal summarizes, we need to respect each individual. This starts from the first email to the first of many engagements.

If you are indeed looking for something special, take the time to get to the know the real person. If you?re not looking for a more serious companionship, you can still be respectful. This is the same for men and women. Respect goes a long way. State exactly what you?re looking for and ask for the same. If it does turn out that there is no chemistry or your values are out of sync, you can tell a date that this is probably not a very good match for either of you without being an emotional assassin.

Tips on how to reject someone kindly:

  1. No one likes to be rejected or played a fool. Let someone down easy.? Say you are flattered and enjoy spending time together, but you cannot return their feelings.
  2. Be thoughtful but also be firm. You may feel bad that you cannot return their feelings, but don?t let your guilt allow you to be over apologetic or lead them on.
  3. Don?t take advantage of someone?s loneliness for your own benefit.? This will cause more pain for them later on. Be honest and let them know exactly where you stand.
  4. Don?t let the anonymity of the internet or telephone be a cover for dishonourable behaviour. Be considerate even though you?re not talking to them face to face.
  5. If they get angry or emotional, remember that is a normal reaction to rejection and a self defence mechanism. Stay calm and polite.

We all want to be treated with respect and kindness. Integrity, honour, good character?these are not old fashioned traits that get tossed out the window. Kindness is an important quality to possess and it is appreciated when you have the upper hand in letting someone down. ?Treat others as you would like to be treated because, what goes around, comes around.

* * * * *

How do you let someone down kindly? Share your thoughts in the Comments section below.


Seniors and Dating: Speed Dating vs Online Dating

Online Dating Advice

5 Ways to Make a Good First Impression

Michele Cauch

Michele Cauch, Executive Director, SageHealth Network SageHealth Network is an organization dedicated to promoting sexual health awareness and positive aging in older adults, care providers and seniors? organizations. SageHealth Network will be launching SilverSparks Speed Dating for individuals aged 60-75 on Tuesday September 6, 2011 at the Duke of York in downtown Toronto. For event information visit, email: or call: 647-831-6630.

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Mexico city battered by gangs feels lure of truce

In a five-year struggle with Mexico's most notorious drug cartel, the city of Torreon has suffered a 16-fold increase in murders, fired its police department and lost control of its main prison to the gang.

The Zetas cartel arrived in Torreon in mid-2007, and this center of manufacturing, mining and farming once seen as a model for progress has become one of Mexico's most dangerous cities.

Massacres at drug rehab clinics, bags of severed heads and gunfights at the soccer stadium have charted the decline of a city that a decade ago stood at the forefront of Mexico's industrial advances after the nation joined the North American Free Trade Agreement with the United States and Canada.

Once enticing U.S. firms like Caterpillar and John Deere and Japanese auto parts maker Takata to open plants, Torreon has not attracted any other big names since the Zetas swept in.

Many people in the arid metropolis about 275 miles from the U.S. border believe if Torreon cannot defeat the Zetas soon it may need to reach some kind of agreement with their arch rivals, the Sinaloa Cartel, and let them do the job.

Slain Mexican Zetas kingpin deserted army, led deadly drug gang

Widely seen as the most brutal Mexican drug gang, the Zetas have so terrorized Torreon and the surrounding state of Coahuila that some officials make a clear distinction between them and the Sinaloa Cartel, for years the dominant outfit in the city.

Local politicians tacitly admit that deals with cartels, often unspoken, helped keep the peace in the past, before a surge in violence prompted President Felipe Calderon to mount a military-led crackdown against organized crime six years ago.

A killing factory
Calderon's forces have captured or killed many top capos around Mexico, but the campaign triggered fresh turf wars and a sharp increase in bloodshed, spearheaded by a new generation of criminals like the Zetas. Over 60,000 people have been killed in Mexico in drug-related violence during Calderon's presidency.

In Torreon, the Zetas took control of the local police, and in March 2010 they invaded city hall to demand that Mayor Eduardo Olmos sack the army general he had hired to clean up the force.

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Subsequently, all but one of the 1,000-strong force were fired or deserted, and for a week Villa and his bodyguards were the only police.

At first, the city behaved "marvelously," said Olmos. Then the shootings, armed robberies and kidnappings took off as the gangs turned Torreon into a killing factory.

According to local newspaper El Siglo de Torreon, there were 830 homicides in the first nine months of 2012 in the city's metropolitan area, home to just over 1 million people. Greater Torreon now has a higher homicide rate than Ciudad Juarez, long Mexico's murder capital. Only Acapulco's is worse.

Police Chief Flores insists that better days lie ahead, saying the Zetas have been weakened by security forces and by the Sinaloa Cartel, run by Mexico's most wanted man, Joaquin "Shorty" Guzman.

More than 90 percent of the hundreds of suspected gang members killed or arrested in Torreon this year have been Zetas, according to estimates by city authorities.

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Despite the setbacks this year, the Zetas still control Torreon's prison, police and the mayor's office say.

Losing faith
Lying at the crossroads between Mexico's Pacific states and Ciudad Juarez and Monterrey, and linking the south to the U.S. border, Torreon has long been a strategic hub for drug runners.

Locals say traffickers co-existed peacefully with legitimate businesses when Guzman's gang dominated here. At the very least, senior politicians in Coahuila have looked the other way, while some actively colluded with gangs, local leaders say.

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Today, the economy is suffering. The construction industry estimates about half the building firms are out of work in a city that had near full employment in 2000. Private-sector investment is on track to drop by nearly a third from 2011. New job creation is heading for a 40-percent fall to about 4,800 -- in a city growing by 12,000 people a year.

Big foreign firms are tight-lipped about the violence. A Caterpillar official said the company's security costs had risen, but that its business had not been affected.

President-elect Enrique Pena Nieto, who takes office on Dec. 1, has rejected negotiating with the gangs, mindful of the PRI's past reputation for cutting deals. But he stresses his priority is reducing the violence, then taking on the drug traffickers.

Slideshow: Narco culture permeates Mexico, leaks across border (on this page)

In private, some officials here say it may be impossible to avoid tacit deals with the cartels in certain areas unless the violence is curbed quickly. That means hammering the Zetas.

A 'permanent problem'
When Torreon's Mayor Olmos began to root out the Zetas, the police went on strike. Calling a meeting in his office, he soon realized the officers who arrived were working for the enemy.

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He described how a policeman slouched in a chair and wearing sunglasses held up a phone so that the Zetas at the other end could hear every word the mayor said. When Olmos refused to sack the police chief, Gen. Bibiano Villa, masked Zetas surrounded his office, lining the stairs and the streets outside.

With the help of the media, Olmos broke the strike and forced all the police to take "loyalty tests." Only one, a woman, passed. He then rebuilt the force with recruits from outside Coahuila and the army, and bumped up pay by 50 percent or more. But infiltration is a "permanent problem," he says.

Olmos, whose father was kidnapped by a gang in 1996, says the cartels are "equally bad" and opposes making deals. But he admits there is growing public pressure to end the violence.

President: Mexico gang-related deaths fall by 15 percent in 2012

The attitude of salesman Jose Angel Aguirre sums up the conundrum facing Torreon.

Saying "I would rather bury my son today than discover he was out there killing" for a drug cartel, Aguirre conceded he would accept the presence of one gang if it improved security.

"It would be better if one of the two sides won," the 58-year-old said. "Then there would be peace."

(c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2012.


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This Week In Small Business: Frankenstorm! -


A weekly roundup of small-business developments.

What?s affecting me, my clients and other small-business owners this week.

The Big Story: Small Devices

Apple introduces the iPad Mini, and here?s everything you need to know about the new device. Google and Samsung introduce a Chrome laptop and a new Android tablet. Microsoft, its empire under siege, rolls out Windows 8 and the Surface tablet. Nathan Eddy believes that Windows 8 could both assist and confuse small-business owners: ?The biggest risk Microsoft is taking with Windows 8 is the redesigned user interface, which has left users confused when trying to learn the new system.? Most companies will not be early adopters of the new operating system. Matt Burns says the Surface ?is not a tablet, it?s a PC.?

The Election: An Indicator

Small-business owners in swing states called the third debate a victory for President Obama. But Ryan Higa could be the dark horse. The Federal Reserve plans to keep buying bonds; many believe the election will affect the chairman?s future. Sales of Halloween masks indicate a win for Mr. Obama. A lawyer advises employers to be wary about telling employees how to vote.

Economy: The Bright Spot

Russell Investments updates its state of the economy with all but one indicator within normal range. Orders for durable goods rebound. FedEx forecasts online shoppers will generate a holiday record. Equipment-financing confidence holds steady. The United States is experiencing a renaissance in oil production and is expected to be the world?s largest producer. Goldman Sachs predicts an end to high oil prices. Kate Mackenzie thinks the United States is the bright spot of the world. Still, manufacturing contracts in the Richmond, Va., Fed district and the steel industry continue to decline. DuPont cuts 1,500 jobs, and Dow Chemical plans to close plants and lay off 2,400 workers. Stocks plunged Tuesday on earnings woes. John Mason believes that economic policies continue to weigh on the dollar. Home sales are rising, but Bill McBride isn?t impressed: ?Even with a 20 percent-plus increase this year, 2012 will be the third or fourth lowest year since the Census Bureau started tracking new home sales in 1963.? The most recent Sage business index of nearly 11,000 small- and medium-size companies shows a significant fall in local market confidence. Which is scarier: the fiscal cliff or Frankenstorm?

Start-Up: Women Veterans

A new study finds that more than half of women veterans who own businesses say their leadership experience in the military inspired them to start their businesses, and another report finds that growth in businesses owned by women has paralleled increased contributions by women across the economy. Meanwhile, a conference for start-up founders is criticized for its lack of women. Denver has its start-up week. John Patrick Pullen suggests nine cities you wouldn?t think are hubs for tech start-ups. Tanya Prive says these are the venture capitalists every start-up should know. Martha Pierce asks why start-ups fail.

People: Employee Burnout

John O?Farrell gives advice for hiring your next vice president for sales. A study finds that many people like to overestimate the number of hours they work. A report concludes that federal employees earn 8 percent more than their private-sector counterparts. Verne Harnish suggests five ways to find extraordinary employees. Wal-Mart has entered another battle with its employees. Over 30 years, Microsoft employees have raised $1 billion for charities. Christina DesMarais lists five Silicon Valley tech companies everyone wants to work for. Managers who consider hiring ex-military people are sometimes deterred by the possibility that candidates have post-traumatic stress disorder. Employee burnout increases. An impromptu board meeting springs up in a Staples store.

Social Media: Warming to Facebook Ads

Kerry O?Shea Gorgone has a guide to minimizing legal risks in social media. Marcus Sheridan explains why our definition of social media engagement and interaction is wrong. Local businesses are starting to warm up to Facebook ads. Amy Nielson believes that one of the best ways to market your business is to create your own social media network. If you follow this pizza chain on Twitter, it will really follow you back. Twelve feline finalists are announced for this year?s Friskies.

Marketing: Abandoning AdWords?

Greg Sterling does not believe small-business owners are abandoning AdWords. Marty Diamond thinks your landing pages may suffer from a lack of focus. In this commercial, passengers in an elevator are frightened. Jeanmarie Bills and Elena J. Forbes have some tips on how to create a blog for your business. Brad Hanner says you need an online presence.

Red Tape: The Internal Redistribution Service

So far, it appears the Affordable Care Act is not causing small businesses to drop their employees? coverage. And sorry, men?s club owners, but it seems lap dances are indeed taxable in New York State. A guy lights up his house for Halloween?? Gangnam style. Peter Schweizer says the Internal Revenue Service ?is morphing into the Internal Redistribution Service.?

Sales: Born to Fail

Here are six reasons to walk away from a deal. Brian Carroll suggests five steps to ensure your lead generation stays on target. Here?s how to turn your iPad into a Square point of sale register, and here?s some good advice on pricing your products. These products were born to fail.

Management: Worst Decisions Ever

Here are the worst business decisions of all time. Mark Zuckerberg, Ben Silbermann and Ben Horowitz talk about lessons learned. Linda Clevenger has some time-management tips for entrepreneurs. George Bradt suggests three steps to a winning attitude for a service business. Andy Birol says you need to answer these questions. Deanne Katz gives advice on avoiding burnout. Ilana Rabinowitz says you should make competition irrelevant. Felix Salmon explains why Apple doesn?t care about its competition. Gwen Moran evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of four leadership styles.

Around the Country: Farmland Prices

While the big businesses in aerospace and defense make headlines, small companies form the backbone of the East Valley in Arizona. Here?s what happens when Seattle becomes empty. The Army Corps of Engineers? Engineering and Support Center in Huntsville, Ala., will hold a small-business forum on Nov. 9. In New York, a restaurant taps Instagram users to create a visual menu. Farmland prices continue to soar, and the effects of this summer?s historic drought are yet to be known.

Around the World: Sticker Shock

The Bank of Spain sends a warning. The United States is the fourth easiest country in the world (PDF) to do business in. A Korean start-up adjusts to life in London. The cost of living can cause sticker shock, depending on where you do business. Ikea is using wind and sun to be energy independent.

Cash Flow: Surplus Capital

U.S. Bank is offering a new way for customers to pay for online purchases with Visa debit or credit cards. A new version of Google Wallet is coming. Small Business Administration loans to small-business exporters are on the rise, and the agency?s venture capital program grows even as overall venture capital dollars decline. Mark Bell asks if you know what it means to evaluate your spend. Angie Mohr says there are four financial yardsticks for your business. The Principal Financial Well-Being Index finds that 63 percent of small-business owners have surplus capital but that 73 percent of those who have it are not spending it.

Technology: The Worst Password

Bizelo, a cloud software start-up, is creating a collection of small-business applications. Amazon Cloud goes down again. Customer data is hacked at Barnes & Noble. Facebook reports better than expected earnings, and Peter Gabriel asks his Facebook fans to recreate ?Sledgehammer.? New research promises to increase bandwidth tenfold. Password tops the list of the worst passwords of 2012. Professors develop a real-life ?Star Trek? tractor beam. Bob Lefsetz shares some dos and don?ts, like: ?Don?t think Apple is forever.? James Bond uses an Android smartphone. If you?re not interested in tech, here?s how to pick up a girl at the gym.

Best Tweets of the Week

The web is your resume and social networks are your mass references. Paper CVs will disappear in 5 years.

I don?t judge a company by the people who travel by corporate jet; I judge a company by the ones who answer the phone and carry your bags.

Bests of the Week

Deborah Brown thinks that entrepreneurs need to have more fun: ?Delegate or eliminate. If the day-to-day tasks are weighing you down, find ways around them. Are you asking for help with the chores, or are you doing everything yourself? What can you order online so you don?t have to go to the store? And who can you hire to help with the cleaning, laundry, cooking, etc.? Yes, these things cost money, but do you think that not having fun is costing you more??

Adrian Swinscoe says to apply the granny test to get closer to your customers: ?Take a step back and look at the language that you use in your marketing, sales and customer service, and ask yourself if it is in your customer?s language. Not convinced? Then try this: apply the granny test, i.e., give your marketing materials to your Granny and ask her if she gets what you are talking about. If she does, then she is either an expert in your field or you?re doing a great job. If not, then you know what to do.?

This Week?s Question: Have you tried advertising on Facebook?

Gene Marks owns the Marks Group, a Bala Cynwyd, Pa., consulting firm that helps clients with customer relationship management. You can follow him on Twitter.


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Monday, October 29, 2012

Text, don't call, once Sandy hits, say carriers

2 hrs.

Wireless carriers have made extensive preparations to deal with the impact of Hurricane Sandy, and are asking customers to do the same. Among the best things you can do to help keep your phone battery going and to ease network congestion is to limit your voice calls???keep them short???and to send text messages instead.

"Limit non-emergency calls to save battery power and free up wireless networks for emergency workers and operations and send brief text messages instead," Verizon Wireless says in a hurricane preparedness statement. "When the network gets busy, texts have a higher chance of getting through the first time and can be more efficient."

Among other tips offered by Verizon, AT&T,?Sprint and T-Mobile:

  • Keep phones and phone accessories???batteries and chargers???in sealed plastic bags?to avoid water damage.
  • If you have an extra phone battery and you?have power, charge that battery so it's ready.
  • Add to your phone's contact list all key emergency phone numbers and email addresses, including police,?fire and rescue agencies; schools and service people.
  • If you are being evacuated, forward home or work phone calls to your wireless number.
  • Use your phone's camera to take photos or video of your property and valuables before the storm hits, so you have "before" photos if your home suffers storm damage.
  • If cell service is down in your area, but your home Wi-Fi network is working, switch to Wi-Fi on your phone.
  • Expect high-call volume, which can lead to network congestion. If that's the case, you'll hear "fast busy" signals on your wireless phone (or a slow dial tone on your landline phone). If that?happens, hang up, wait several seconds and then try the call again. That allows your original call data to clear the network before you try again.

For additional tips on conserving your cellphone's battery, see NBC News' Bob Sullivan's Facebook page here. He says:?

How to conserve cell phone power during the storm: a nice set of tips. 1) Airplane mode 2) Turn off cell, wifi to gadget isn't searching for networks til you need them. Added to this, I have my auto jump-start battery in the house, which has a convenient USB port, too. Yours might at least have a cigaretter lighter 12V out ...?use a car charger or converter with that. HT to @steverubel

In advance of Sandy, all carriers have been deploying portable cell sites and mobile emergency generators?in the mid-Atlantic and Northeast?that can replace damaged cell towers. Carriers?are also coordinating their work with local and emergency agencies.

You can read more about your carrier here: Verizon Wireless, AT&T, Sprint and T-Mobile.

Check out Technolog, Gadgetbox, Digital Life and In-Game on?Facebook,?and on?Twitter, follow Suzanne Choney.


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Push notifications, search come to Netbot for

Both push notifications and search have come to Tapbots' popular (ADN) client, Netbot, thanks to today's version 1.1. Update. While push notifications was likely the last big missing piece on many people's ADN puzzles -- our own Netbot review included -- both new features nicely round out what was already one of the best clients on any platform.

For any Tweetbot user, the push notification implementation will be immediately familiar. Simply tap the account button at the top left, tap Accounts & Settings, tap Settings at the bottom of the screen, tap your username under Account Settings, tap Notifications, and then you can toggle on or off Mentions, Reposts, Stars, and Follows, as well as test the system.

According to Netbot developer Paul Haddad, Tapbots didn't include the same Sleep Options found in Tweetbot because iOS 6's new Do Not Disturb mode handles that at the system level now. Also, there's no way to restrict Mentions to just those from people you follow, since ADN doesn't offer that option yet.

Search also functions exactly as any Tweetbot user would expect, with the ability to find posts with, users with, or go to a specific username.

Great additions to a great client. If you like Tweetbot, you'll like Netbot, so whether you're migrating to ADN or just doubling up on your micro-posts, there's no longer any reason not to check it out.

Netbot 1.1 is a free update for existing users.


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Sunday, October 28, 2012

Romney calls for cooperation in Florida

Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., who is traveling with Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, speaks to reporters on his campaign plane en route to Orlando, Fla., Saturday, Oct. 27, 2012. At rear right is senior adviser Eric Fehrnstrom. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., who is traveling with Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, speaks to reporters on his campaign plane en route to Orlando, Fla., Saturday, Oct. 27, 2012. At rear right is senior adviser Eric Fehrnstrom. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney is greeted by Rep. Connie Mack, R-Fla., and Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., left, as he steps off his plane to attend campaign events in Pensacola, Fla., Saturday, Oct. 27, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney speaks during a campaign rally at the Pensacola Bay Center in Pensacola Fla., Saturday, Oct. 27, 2012. (AP Photo/Michael Spooneybarger)

Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney makes his way to the stage to speak during a campaign rally at the Pensacola Bay Center in Pensacola Fla., Saturday, Oct. 27, 2012. (AP Photo/ Michael Spooneybarger)

(AP) ? With the election 10 days away, Mitt Romney is calling for more partisan cooperation in Washington as he rallies supporters in Florida.

The Republican presidential candidate said on Saturday that this is not a time to divide the country or demonize political opponents.

"We have to build bridges to people in the other party," Romney told an estimated 10,000 supporters who packed the Pensacola Civic Center.

It was the first of three Florida stops Romney had planned for Saturday.

Romney has been toning down conservative rhetoric in recent weeks as he courts women and independents ? a critical slice of the electorate that tends to favor bipartisanship ? in the election's final days.

But the moderate tone did not last long as he assailed President Barack Obama's leadership in the same speech.

"He is shrinking from the magnitude of the times," Romney told the rowdy Pensacola crowd.

The comments come at a pivotal moment for Florida, a key swing presidential battleground which began allowing in-person early voting on Saturday.

Sen. Marco Rubio, who introduced Romney, reminded the crowd to head to the polls immediately after the rally. But he did not call for bipartisanship, as Romney did.

Rubio, a Cuban-American, likened Obama's policies to "the ideas of countries that people come here to get away from."

When pressed later in the day to detail which countries he meant, Rubio said he was talking about Mexico and other Latin American countries, not Cuba. He told reporters aboard Romney's campaign plane he was referring to, "any big government country in the world. They're all over Latin America. Mexico's a country that for many years has been, had a government that dominates the economy."

The Obama campaign seized on Rubio's comments and warned voters not to trust "a word Mitt Romney says on his promise of bipartisanship."

"Over the last six years he's been running for president, he hasn't stood up once to the most extreme voices in the Republican Party. In fact, he catered to them," said Obama spokeswoman Lis Smith, referring to Romney's continued silence on an Indiana GOP Senate candidate's recent statement that pregnancies resulting from rape are "something God intended."

Rubio suggested that Richard Mourdock's comments would not significantly impact the election, despite continued criticism from Democrats: "Ultimately, the issues people are thinking about on a daily basis are the issues of our economy, job creation and how to move our country forward."

And Rubio predicted a Romney victory in the state: "In Florida, I'd rather be us than them," he said.

Associated Press


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Autodesk Maya Certification


If you are working in the media industry or run an advertisement agency that develops TV adverts for different media houses, it is important that you get Autodesk Maya Certification. The accreditation course is designed to validate your skills and knowledge in television development, production cycle filming, video gaming as well as design visualization.

By getting certified in Autodesk Maya, you will be essentially setting out your career path in the media industry. With the skills and knowledge acquired, you will be able to eventually start your own business specializing in gaming, TV shows or filming. However, the first step to realizing this dream is getting Autodesk Maya Certification.

Then again, the benefits of getting certified in Autodesk Maya extend to your employers and clients. Because the technology used on audiovisual keeps changing, employers are increasingly looking for new personnel that can easily adapt to the change. Moreover, employers are less willing to invest in your education since they?ll be making you more marketable for other companies. Getting Autodesk Maya Certification not only shows your current, but prospective employers that you are eager to learn new technologies.

On the other hand, if you have your own business, clients will be willing to do business with you since you have validated your experience and expertise.

Being Eligible for the Exam

The Autodesk Maya Certification course is a highly reputed accreditation course. Hence, prior to enrolling to the exam, there are a few qualification requirements that you have to meet. For instance:

You need to have at least 1 year of experience working with Autodesk Maya products. This is to ensure that you have the necessary practical experience to undertake the simulation exam.

- You should have excelled in the Autodesk Maya associate level exam.

This post has not listed all the prerequisites and as such it is important that you log into the official examination website and go through the requirements.

Topics Covered

Listed below are some of the topics covered in the Autodesk Maya Certification course alongside their objectives:

Animation: By the end of the topic you should be able to:

  • Asses an animated object by making use of Curve Editor.
  • Identify the different kinds of constraints used in creating an animated object.

Scripting: By the end of the topic, you should be able to:

  • Run different types of scripts.
  • Develop and run customized scripts.

Rigging: By the end of the topic, you should be able to:

  • Utilize weight tables.
  • Recognize bones.
Other topics covered in this course include cameras, data management, dynamics, effects and modeling.

Preparing for the Certification Exam

Listed below are tips that you can utilize to prepare for the Autodesk Maya Certification exam:

  • Acquaint yourself with the topics. Before anything else, make sure that you have familiarized yourself with the topics covered in the course alongside their objectives.
  • Get study materials. Make sure that you have examination materials and resources (e.g. books and practice tests).


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Scholarship for Undergraduate Students in Power Engineering and Wind or Solar Power Plant Technician by Utility Variable-Generation Integration Group, Tennessee, 2013 2014

Scholarship Program: Utility Variable-Generation Integration Group Scholarship 2013 2014

Type of Award: Scholarship

Nationality: Scholarship is open for U.S. or Canada citizens.

Employer: Utility Variable-Generation Integration Group is funding scholarship program.

Level of study: Scholarship is for Undergraduate program.

Subject(s): Scholarship in the field of Power Engineering and wind or solar power plant technician program.

Duration: Scholarship program duration is one academic year.

Number of awards: Scholarship award number will be 5.

Am I eligible? To be eligible for scholarship assistance, a student must be currently enrolled or accepted for enrollment at an accredited trade school or college in the United States or Canada in a field of study leading to a career related to utility power engineering or operation and maintenance of utility-scale wind or solar generation equipment. Applications from students in other countries will be considered if the student can list as a reference an employee at a UVIG member organization in that country.

How do I apply? Students can apply for this scholarship program By Post or Electronically.

What does it cover? Scholarship amount ranges from $1000-$2,000 each.

Scholarship Description: The Utility Variable-Generation Integration Group (UVIG) Board of Directors has established as one of its goals furthering the education of students enrolled in accredited college or vocational schools in programs related to power engineering, wind or solar energy, or the maintenance of wind turbines or solar power plants. Towards this end, each year UVIG may award up to five scholarships.

Application closing date: Students can apply for this scholarship program till 15 February, 2013.

Further Scholarship Information and Application

Tags: 2013 2014, Power Engineering, Scholarship, Tennessee, Undergraduates, Utility Variable-Generation Integration Group

Category: Engineering, Scholarships for International Students, Undergraduate Scholarships, Grants and Fellowships Programs


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Saturday, October 27, 2012

HSO To Present Pair of ?Mistletoe Magic ... - Central Penn Art Guide

The joyous sounds of the holiday season will fill the Forum as the Harrisburg Symphony Orchestra will again present Mistletoe Magic, a pair of concerts featuring favorite music of the holidays on Saturday, December 8th at 8 p.m. and on Sunday, December 9th at 3 p.m. at the Forum in Harrisburg.

Special guest vocalist Amy Banks and pianist Rich Ridenour will join the HSO, the Messiah College Concert Choir and the Susquehanna Children?s Chorale for a festive collection of holiday favorites. Stuart Malina will conduct.

This festive program will include perennial favorites like Christmas Time Is Here, Joy to the World, Away in a Manger, Carol of the Bells, Santa Claus is Coming to Town, Rhapsody in Blue Christmas, a Musicological Journey Through the Twelve Days of Christmas, the Hallelujah Chorus; and more!

Support for these Mistletoe Magic performances comes from Capital BlueCross.

Tickets for these performances range from $12 to $45 depending on seating location and are available online at or by calling the HSO office (717) 545-5527.

Pianist Rich Ridenour has built a formidable career performing concerts of great piano favorites ranging from classical masterworks to American ragtime, jazz and rock & roll. Recent orchestral engagements include cities such as Jacksonville, Temple, Grand Rapids, Tucson, Evansville, Charleston, WV, Elgin, Owensboro, as well as the Bravissimo Festival of Guatemala City. Each season Rich serves as pops conductor for the Dearborn Symphony Orchestra.

Rich has instructed piano at Aquinas College, Grand Valley State University, Calvin College and Western Michigan University. Because of his interest in music outreach and the development of musically aspiring youth, Rich co-founded the Grand Rapids Musicians? League and created the popular Keller Cooler Music Series, held at the Forest Hills Arts Center in Grand Rapids.

Rich spent two years developing educational programs as Education Director for the Gilmore Keyboard Festival in Kalamazoo.? He developed Camp Gilmore, Keys Fest and educational piano programs in the public schools and juvenile center.

Since 2008, Jacksonville has been home for Rich and his wife Stacy, who serves as executive director of the Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra. In 2009 Rich performed 52 concerts across the country with his son, Brandon, who resides in New York and is the youngest trumpet member of the Canadian Brass.? Younger brother Ross graduated from Western Michigan University in Aviation Sciences.

When not touring, Rich mentors young music students in Jacksonville-area public schools that are without musical instrument instruction. In 2011 Rich introduced City Keys to the city of Jacksonville. Six upright pianos painted by area professional artists bring energy to the downtown sidewalks for everyone to play and explore. city keys for more information!

A native of Grand Rapids, Michigan, Rich received a Bachelor?s degree in music from the University of Michigan and a Master?s degree from the Juilliard School of Music. His teachers include Louis Nagel, Josef Raieff, Ruth Hemmes and all the wonderful people joining him around the piano bar in his youth. Rich Ridenour is an international Steinway Artist.

Visit Rich Ridenour

Amy Banks has spent two decades performing as a professional singer, actress, and television personality. Originally from Minnesota, she has appeared on stage and screen all over the world, but calls Lancaster, Pennsylvania home after relocating there to perform at the American Music Theatre. Since then, she has self-published and produced four music CDs, of which her third CD, When the Sun Comes Out, reached Chartbound status at JazzWeek. Her fourth offering, In Love, has garnered serious attention.? In 2004, Amy made her television hosting debut as a host-commentator on the reality TV shows ?Design Invasion? (FOX) and ?Bad Baths USA? (HGTV).

Amy?s performing career began while living in Atlanta, Georgia where she first appeared in productions with the top stage companies including The Alliance Theater, Jomandi Productions and The Horizon Theater. Throughout the 90s she performed cabaret-style shows with Robert Ray and through working with him, further honed her singing skills. In the late 90s, Amy moved to Orlando, Florida to work for Walt Disney World Company at the brand new Animal Kingdom theme park. She played both female roles in The Festival of the Lion King singing favorites from the Lion King movie including ?Can You Feel the Love Tonight? and ?Circle of Life?.? While in Florida she began a year-long engagement singing jazz three nights a week with the Ed Connelly Trio at The Grosvenor Resort.?

In 2002, after performing shows in her hometown(s) with Penumbra Theater and The Illusion Theater in the Twin Cities of Saint Paul and Minneapolis, Minnesota, Amy moved to Lancaster and spent four seasons with American Music Theatre (AMT). While there, Amy nurtured her love for jazz in venues throughout Central PA ? from Lancaster restaurants to the Harrisburg Hilton?s prestigious jazz room, The Bar. Other appearances include: The Philadelphia Museum of Art; The Berks Jazz Festival; Yorkfest and the Studio at the Strand-Capitol Theater in York, PA; Bucknell University; the ?Jazz Upstairs at the Fulton Theatre? series; and The Pennsylvania Academy of Music, as well as various clubs, restaurants, and local churches. In June of 2007 Amy returned to Disney World to reprise her roles in the Festival of the Lion King before returning to AMT for a fifth season in 2008.? Amy has also made a name for herself in Charleston, SC, where she has joined Brad and Jennifer Moranz in five different original productions at the Charleston Music Hall.

Currently, you will find Amy in standing Lancaster engagements at The Greenfield Restaurant in their ?Lovely Ladies of Jazz? Wednesday night series, and at the Lancaster Marriott for Music Fridays each third Friday of the month.? Amy appears several Fridays a month at the Cove at Riverview Restaurant, located at the Harrah?s Philadelphia Casino.? Recent special engagements include Jazz Night at the James A. Michener Museum in Doylestown, PA. In February of 2012, Amy made her European club debut, performing at Jazz Club Soyouz Kompozitorov in Moscow, Russia.

In addition to music, Amy?s other passion is contributing to the community. Amy serves on two Boards of Directors:? as President of the Central PA Friends of Jazz, and on Lancaster?s Mayor?s Office of Special Events (MOOSE).? She was a founding participant in the Divas of Jazz, whose annual concert events raised over 70K to benefit The PA Breast Cancer Coalition.? Amy acted as Volunteer Music Coordinator at Unity Church in Palmyra, and participated in music programs for the children at Crispus Attucks Community Center. Amy also supports Rinji Furba Sherpa, a college student in Nepal, through the production and sale of ?Mugs for Rinji?.

Amy enjoys newly-wedded bliss with her husband Aaron, travels relentlessly around the world seeking the next big adventure, practices handstands in yoga, and wanders the woods looking for birds, flowers, mushrooms, and dead bodies.

Visit Amy Banks

The Messiah College Concert Choir is Messiah College?s touring choir, chosen each year by audition. Comprised of students of various majors, the choir has toured extensively throughout the eastern United States and has released four compact discs. The choir performs a variety of music and presents two christmas concerts, a spring tour and several area concerts. During the summer of 2002, the group toured in Ireland, marking its first international appearance. In the spring of 2006, the Concert Choir toured Austria and the Czech Republic.

Linda Tedford, Director of Choral Activities at Messiah College, serves as the director of the Concert Choir. In addition, she teaches conducting and voice. The Concert Choir is a select group chosen by audition from a student body of more than 2,900. She also directs the Messiah College Choral Arts Society, a college and community choir, and is responsible for creating and directing the Chamber Singers. Ms. Tedford is the founder and conductor of the Susquehanna Chorale and is responsible for creating the chorale?s educational outreach network of choirs, the Susquehanna Youth Chorale and Susquehanna Children?s Chorale based in Hershey, Pa. In addition, the Chorale has toured Great Britain and released three CDs. In 1984, it was the first volunteer choir to receive Chorus America?s prestigious Margaret Hillis Award for Choral Excellence.

The Susquehanna Children?s Chorale is a part of the Educational Outreach Program of the Susquehanna Chorale and provides a focused rehearsal and performing opportunity for students within a one-hour radius of the Harrisburg, PA area. The Children?s Chorale was founded in 1992 and includes approximately 60 musicians in grades four through eight.

The Chorale rehearses for ten weeks, two hours each week during the fall. Rehearsals focus on a Scholarship Benefit Concert and the annual Youth Choral Festival in November. The program?s repertoire includes pieces from many periods of music history and encompasses a wide range of styles, from sacred music to folk songs. Emphasis in rehearsals is on fine choral literature and developing good vocal habits through choral techniques.

The Children?s Chorale, Young Women?s and Youth Chorale were formed to complement existing school music programs. These groups give talented young singers a chance to rehearse and perform with other highly motivated students at an advanced level of artistic excellence. Students are auditioned for membership and are required to pay a membership fee. A Scholarship Fund has been established to provide financial assistance for any musician who has auditioned successfully for the chorales.


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Friday, October 26, 2012

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Obama, Romney reverse roles as election looms (CNN)

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Weekly Mr. Rooter Plumbing Tip - The Home Renovation Guide Blog

October 26th, 2012 ?|? Published in home security, plumbing, safety

Plumbing tips aren?t hard to come by, but plumbing tips from the experts are. Mr. Rooter? Plumbing has dedicated the space below to answering your questions with knowledge that comes from years of experience

carbon monoxide Weekly Mr. Rooter Plumbing Tip: Natural Gas Water Heaters and Carbon Monoxide Detectors

WEEKLY TIP: Natural Gas Water Heaters and Carbon Monoxide Detectors
Any appliance that generates carbon monoxide, including gas tankless water heaters, should be monitored by a carbon monoxide detector. These detectors set off an alarm if enough carbon monoxide is detected, and should be placed in an optimal location to catch the fumes.

Many experts recommend putting the detector five feet above the floor because carbon monoxide is lighter than air and will rise. Every floor of the home will need its own detector, which are usually electric-powered, so you may need to install a new outlet in some areas of your home. While gas tankless water heaters require gas vents, a carbon monoxide detector is crucial should your vent become compromised or blocked in some way. The early warning you get could save your life.

For more information, visit the Mr. Rooter website

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Unprecedented 'black mold' meningitis a challenge

FILE - In this Tuesday, Oct. 9, 2012 file photo, laboratory technician Ruth Rutledge packages cerebrospinal fluid of three confirmed meningitis cases in Minn., to send to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta for further testing, at the Minnesota Department of Health in St. Paul, Minn. The black mold creeping into the spines of hundreds of people who got tainted shots for back pain marks uncharted medical territory. Doctors are beginning to detail in medical journals the first deaths in this outbreak, and the grim autopsy findings make clear that treating early is crucial, before the fungus becomes entrenched. (AP Photo/Hannah Foslien)

FILE - In this Tuesday, Oct. 9, 2012 file photo, laboratory technician Ruth Rutledge packages cerebrospinal fluid of three confirmed meningitis cases in Minn., to send to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta for further testing, at the Minnesota Department of Health in St. Paul, Minn. The black mold creeping into the spines of hundreds of people who got tainted shots for back pain marks uncharted medical territory. Doctors are beginning to detail in medical journals the first deaths in this outbreak, and the grim autopsy findings make clear that treating early is crucial, before the fungus becomes entrenched. (AP Photo/Hannah Foslien)

FILE - This undated file image made available by The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows the Exserohilum rostratum fungus. The black mold creeping into the spines of hundreds of people who got tainted shots for back pain marks uncharted medical territory. Doctors are beginning to detail in medical journals the first deaths in this outbreak, and the grim autopsy findings make clear that treating early is crucial, before the fungus becomes entrenched. (AP Photo/The Centers for Disease Control, File)

(AP) ? The black mold creeping into the spines of hundreds of people who got tainted shots for back pain marks uncharted medical territory.

Never before has this particular fungus been found to cause meningitis. It's incredibly hard to diagnose, and to kill ? requiring at least three months of a treatment that can cause hallucinations. There's no good way to predict survival, or when it's safe to stop treating, or exactly how to monitor those who fear the fungus may be festering silently in their bodies.

"I don't think there is a precedent for this kind of thing," said Dr. Arjun Srinivasan of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Health officials and doctors have tracked down most of the 14,000 people potentially at risk for fungal meningitis, blamed for the deaths of 24 people and sickening more than 300.

"This is definitely new territory for us," he said.

The fungus' brown-black color signals an armor that ? along with being injected near the spine ?helped this mold sneak past the immune defenses of otherwise healthy people, said Dr. Arturo Casadevall, a fungal disease specialist at New York's Albert Einstein College of Medicine.

"What we're dealing with here is fundamentally different" from a typical fungal infection, he said. "This is a bug that most of us don't know much about."

But they're learning fast, piecing together clues that promise some hope.

Doctors are beginning to detail in medical journals the first deaths in this outbreak, and the grim autopsy findings make clear that treating early is crucial, before the fungus becomes entrenched. In one case, a woman died in Maryland after the fungus pierced blood vessels in her brain, leading to severe damage.

People getting treated earlier "seem to be doing OK," with fewer of the strokes that characterized the outbreak's beginning, said Dr. Carol Kauffman of the University of Michigan. She has advised the CDC and co-authored advice in the New England Journal of Medicine on how to handle the complex medication used in treatment.

People who got contaminated steroid shots made by a Massachusetts pharmacy have been told to be on guard for months for meningitis symptoms. But the CDC said Wednesday that the biggest risk for getting sick seems to be within 42 days of receiving one of the implicated back injections.

With the tainted shots recalled in late September, that means the period of greatest risk is nearing an end. And it should help doctors bombarded with calls from the worried determine who most needs a spinal tap to look for the very earliest signs of infection. Still, public health officials recall a 2002 meningitis cluster linked to steroid injections contaminated with a different fungus; one of those victims got sick 152 days after the shot.

Fungal infections don't get a lot of attention, but they afflict millions around the world, said David Perlin of the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, who is studying better ways to diagnose them. Most are skin infections like athlete's foot, but fungi also can cause pneumonia, sinusitis and other problems.

Serious infections tend to strike people with immune systems weakened because of cancer, AIDS or other problems. Fungus-caused meningitis in particular is extremely rare? especially in otherwise healthy people like in this outbreak ? and it's "very bad news," said Michigan's Kauffman.

While the more common bacterial and viral forms of meningitis tend to strike quickly with obvious symptoms, fungal meningitis grows very slowly and is hard to diagnose. Few antifungal drugs are absorbed into the central nervous system, limiting treatment options. Plus, human cells and fungal cells have a lot of similarities, making it hard to attack the fungus without side effects, Kauffman explained.

The main culprit in this outbreak is a black mold called Exserohilum rostratum, common in dirt and grasses. Only 33 human infections previously had been reported, mostly eye or skin infections in people with weak immune systems, Casadevall said.

Here's how scientists think it's sneaking into the well-guarded spinal cord and brain of a healthy person:

?The steroid injected near the spine reduces inflammation, one of the immune system's defenses against contamination.

?The mold grows quietly until enough accumulates for it to burrow a tiny hole, or abscess, into the lining of the spinal canal, said Dr. William Schaffner of Vanderbilt University. Reaching the spinal fluid inside offers a direct pathway to the brain.

?The fungus' color signals how intractable it is. Brown-black molds produce melanin, the same chemical that helps human skin tan. It guards against the sun's mold-killing ultraviolet rays ? and inside people, it fends off both antifungal drugs and other immune-system attacks, Casadevall said.

The good news: Black mold is treatable with a drug named voriconazole, with far fewer side effects than the older treatment initially recommended when the outbreak began.

Still, Kauffman cautioned doctors to carefully monitor patients because differences in metabolism can make levels surge in the bloodstream, causing hallucinations, confusion, nausea and occasionally liver damage. On the flip side, their bodies may process the drug too quickly to battle the fungus. Plus, voriconazole can interact badly with a list of other common medications.

"It's not clear" how long to treat but at least three months is advised, Kauffman said. It begins with intravenous infusions that are hard to administer outside of a hospital. Then once the patient is stable enough, pills can be used.


AP Medical Writer Mike Stobbe in New York contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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